Max Clotfelter is a mini-comics artist in Seattle.
“Clotfelter’s always been wildly inventive, of course, creating comics that bridge the stylistic and thematic gap from old-school undergrounds to present-day “aht comics,”Not to mention everything else that Clotfelter’s work is known for : smart, disturbing, gruesome, frequently unsettling. Whether he’s doing autobio, stuff you hope to God is anything but, or stuff that you well know absolutely can’t be, there’s no mistaking the deliriously warped sensibilities, the absurdist humor, the willful disposal of all things “high-brow,” and the dogged tenacity for just drawing out of every single page that are our guy Max’s stock in trade. This is dynamic. Visceral. At its best, maybe even combustible.” - Four Color Apocalypse
You can find Clotfelter’s work in Seattle’s own Dune comic/ meet-up where cartoonists gather together and draw/write what comes to mind on the spot. You can also see Clotfelter’s work on his website, linked below:
Four Color Apocalypse article: